PSA. You have Covid-19.
No, this is not a joke. I am 99% sure this will be true for either you or someone you know by the end of this year, based on our current trajectory. .
Many of us are already walking around with this disease, AND spreading it, & don’t even know it.
We need to act based on this knowledge.
I have spent the past days flipping this sideways & upside-down, working through feelings of fear for the people,
fear for my colleagues & I,
fear for what the public doesn’t know, & frustation with our leadership & lack thereof. .
This country is NOT prepared, despite facts & numbers, despite several overworked ICU doctors from everywhere sending out warnings.
The lack of awareness & acceptance for the gravity of this situation is alarming; all you have to do is read a quick article on the patterns Italy, China, & other countries have experienced to know we will soon be following the same path.
As someone who is going to directly face & fight this monster, it truly enrages me that people have been lead to believe that this will soon “blow over.”
This will last for months.
We need to act NOW.
So, what do we do?
The bottom line is “Flattening the Curve,” aka: Social. Distancing.
It seems simple but we have to do it properly.
1. Stay 6 feet or more away from others
-While you’re at the grocery store worrying about starvation, you should probably be worrying more that you’re exposing yourself in the panicked crowds.
2. Stay away from others
3. Stay the f* home
4. Got it?
We as Americans have been cultivated to believe we are invincible, elite, & superior, so much so that the people have a false sense of security. .
Many of you have heard doctors & nurses likening this experience to being “drafted to the war.”
Maybe if you were on the front lines you’d care a little bit more.
But I’ve got news for you.
The “not my problem” attitude won’t work for you on this one.
Because it WILL be your problem. (If it isn’t already). Please. Let’s slow down the impending collapse of our system.
References via this medium article by Tomas Pueyo)